Fred Martin's Atrocious Voting Record
Politicians are world renowned for lying and saying what their constituents want to hear. This is why there is NOTHING MORE IMPORTANT than a politicians ACTUAL VOTING RECORD. This is the only way you can truly know what a politician believes or stands for.
In the case of Senator Fred Martin, his voting record betrays his claim that he is a “Conservative Republican.” Fred Martin has the absolute worst voting record in the Idaho Senate, including many years where he votes WORSE than most democrats in the Senate. Take a look for yourself:
In the case of Senator Fred Martin, his voting record betrays his claim that he is a “Conservative Republican.” Fred Martin has the absolute worst voting record in the Idaho Senate, including many years where he votes WORSE than most democrats in the Senate. Take a look for yourself:

Look how Fred's voting record is LITERALLY WORSE than the majority of Democrats in the Idaho State Senate!
These scores are taken from the objective scoring of the Idaho Freedom Foundation in their annually published Freedom Index. The links are provided above so you can see specifically what he has voted on each year to see how and why he received such horrible marks for his atrocious voting record.
You can see the sum total of Fred Martin's votes in the links above. For a few highlights, you can see below EXACTLY how he has voted.
You can see the sum total of Fred Martin's votes in the links above. For a few highlights, you can see below EXACTLY how he has voted.
Gun Confiscating Red-Flag Laws (SJR101)
"Red flag" laws are being pushed by left wing wacko liberals all across the country in an effort to eliminate 2nd Amendment rights. These laws represent the greatest current threat to the 2nd Amendment and they are fiercely fought against by conservatives and Constitutionalists all over the country. This measure came in the form of SJR101 before the Idaho State Senate. Obviously, all conservatives opposed this despicable resolution. Senator Fred Martin Voted for it.
Click here to read the details: Idaho Senate Opens Door to Gun Confiscation Orders with SJR101 Vote
Click here to read the details: Idaho Senate Opens Door to Gun Confiscation Orders with SJR101 Vote
Socialized Healthcare and Medicaid Expansion in Idaho
What is Medicaid? It is simply a system of healthcare administered by the state and it is one of the cornerstones of socialism. Medicaid, Medicare, Obamacare, and all other forms of government subsidized healthcare programs are antithetical to true conservatism and to the fundamental principles of the US Constitution. Constitutionalists have been fighting against government subsidized healthcare for over 100 years. All true conservatives opposed it 100%. Senator Fred Martin not only voted in favor of it, but was a CHAMPION in favor of expanding socialistic-style healthcare by expanding Medicaid here in Idaho.
Click here to see the award given to Senator Fred Martin by the socialistic special interest group "Close the Gap," which is funded by "big healthcare" agencies who get their money from the government—and who have a vested interest in expanding government subsidized healthcare.
Click here to see the award given to Senator Fred Martin by the socialistic special interest group "Close the Gap," which is funded by "big healthcare" agencies who get their money from the government—and who have a vested interest in expanding government subsidized healthcare.

Fred Martin touting the fact that he received an award for championing socialistic style healthcare and Medicaid expansion in Idaho.
State Healthcare Exchange (H0248)
This bill essentially endorses Obamacare by creating a state healthcare exchange here in Idaho. Every other Republican controlled legislature in the country opposed it—only Idaho Republicans forced Obamacare on us. Conservative Republicans opposed it. Senator Martin voted for it.
Click here to read the details on the Bill Track 50 website
(from the Idaho Freedom Foundation) - Adds to law relating to the Health Insurance Exchange to provide a short title, to state legislative purpose and intent, to define terms, to establish the exchange and the board, to provide for powers and authority of the exchange, to provide for reporting, to authorize reliance by the exchange on other agencies, to provide that the exchange shall not preempt the duties of the Department of Insurance and to provide for the preference for Idaho contractors in a health insurance exchange.
Click here to read the details on the Bill Track 50 website
(from the Idaho Freedom Foundation) - Adds to law relating to the Health Insurance Exchange to provide a short title, to state legislative purpose and intent, to define terms, to establish the exchange and the board, to provide for powers and authority of the exchange, to provide for reporting, to authorize reliance by the exchange on other agencies, to provide that the exchange shall not preempt the duties of the Department of Insurance and to provide for the preference for Idaho contractors in a health insurance exchange.
Establishes Idaho Healthcare Exchange (S1042)
(from the Idaho Freedom Foundation) - Adds to existing law to establish the Health Insurance Exchange and the board; to provide for powers and authority of the exchange; to provide for reporting; to authorize reliance by the exchange on other agencies; and to provide that the exchange shall not preempt the duties of the Department of Insurance. Conservative Republicans opposed it. Senator Martin voted for it.
Click here to read the details on the Bill Track 50 website
Click here to read the details on the Bill Track 50 website
Insurance Reports (H0358)
(from the Idaho Freedom Foundation) - Amends existing law to provide for other entities that must file RBC reports; to provide for other entities subject to a company action level event and to provide additional detail for an RBC plan; to provide for other entities who are subject to action by the director following a mandatory control level event; to clarify the protections afforded confidential RBC documents and information; to provide for another entity to fall within the scope of an exemption and to provide additional guidelines. Conservative Republicans opposed it. Senator Martin voted for it.
Click here to download the Bill Analysis.
Click here to download the Bill Analysis.
Government Controlling How and What You Think (S1224)
(from the Idaho Freedom Foundation) - According to this bill, the new comprehensive term, "Behavioral health," includes "a person's overall emotional and psychological condition, including a person's cognitive and emotional capabilities, the ability to function in society and other skills needed to meet the ordinary demands of everyday life." It is difficult if not impossible to think of anything that does not fall under this definition. With this bill the government is essentially taking over the job of determining how and what you should think. Conservative Republicans opposed it. Senator Martin voted for it.
Click here to download the Bill Analysis.
Click here to download the Bill Analysis.
Adding and Increasing Fees (H0509)
(from the Idaho Freedom Foundation) - Amends existing law to revise the name of a certain fund and a certain program, to revise provisions relating to a certain fund and to provide certain reporting requirements; to increase certain fees, to establish certain fees, to provide for certain deposit into certain funds and to specify that certain fees shall be set by rule or administrative order of the Supreme Court. Conservative Republicans opposed it. Senator Martin voted for it.
Click here to download the Bill Analysis.
Click here to download the Bill Analysis.
Extending Subpoena Powers (H0010)
(from the Idaho Freedom Foundation) - House Bill 10 extends the power of the Department of Finance director to be able to issue subpoenas for records of any individual regardless of whether or not that person holds a mortgage license. The extension of that power is reserved for the judicial branch and should not be granted to a head of an executive branch agency. Nothing in existing code prevents the agency director from filing for a subpoena through the district court, which is the proper procedure. Conservative Republicans opposed it. Senator Martin voted for it.