Fred Martin's Reputation And evidence of his many lies (It's not good)

Fred Martin's Reputation in Idaho

Fred Martin has been exposed on multiple occasions as being a liar, hypocritical, and creepy. Below are some links to other articles online showing exactly the kind of legislators Fred Martin has a reputation for being:

In The Ladies’ Room With Senator Fred Martin

Why is “Creepy Fred” Martin still a Republican Senator despite pervy behavior?

Fred Martin is a RINO Let Loose in the Idaho Legislature

King Martin: Let’s keep parents in the dark about vaccine exemption

Fred Martin: Liberal Creep by Osmosis in Idaho

Fred Martin's Reputation and Lies

Fred Martin has earned the reputation of being the most liberal Republican Senator in the Idaho State Senate. He is also well known in political circles as a political pawn and "yes man" who does the bidding of special interest groups like IACI. He is also considered to be one whose words can't be trusted by those who have interacted with him and caught him telling multiple lies.

EXAMPLE ONE - of Fred Martin's lies (3 lies in 1)

Recently Fred Martin was caught on record stating that "House Leadership" went directly to the Senate after voting for House Concurrent Resolution 1 (HCR1) during the 2020 special session and asked the Senate to not even hear the resolution:
Fred Martin admits that Scott Bedke told the Senate not to hear HCR1.
Ultimately Fred Martin wrote a retraction letter and sent it to members of the legislature. Here is what his letter said in it’s entirety:

[Fred writing] Yesterday I was made aware of a negative online attack from a political special interest group on Speaker of the House Scott Bedke. I was horrified to find that a recording of a private conversation of mine was being used in this attack.

I had a private conversation with a person several weeks ago. As we were discussing various issues, including the Special Session of the Legislature in August, I repeated a story involving Idaho House of Representatives' leadership. At the time of the conversation, I believed my comments to be accurate, but I was in error. I have since learned that the story was totally untrue. Unfortunately, I did not have any firsthand knowledge of what transpired and should not have repeated a secondhand account.

The PAC that is attacking the Speaker of the House is led by a former political opponent of mine who lost an election against me. This PAC has worked recently to defame and discredit Idaho conservatives, attack Idaho's Republican leaders, and attack Idaho's businesses. I publicly reject this attack against the Speaker and believe good Idahoans should reject these tactics. I know that the Speaker of the House has advocated for common-sense solutions and has sincerely supported ending emergency orders without Legislative oversight. I apologize to the Speaker and to members of House Republican Leadership to the extent that any statement I made would be construed otherwise. It was my fault and I fully apologize.


The following is a response to Fred Martin’s retraction, because it, as always, is full of lies and deceit. (This response has already been published online here.)

FRED: As we were discussing various issues, including the Special Session of the Legislature in August, I repeated a story involving Idaho House of Representatives' leadership. At the time of the conversation, I believed my comments to be accurate, but I was in error. I have since learned that the story was totally untrue. Unfortunately, I did not have any firsthand knowledge of what transpired and should not have repeated a secondhand account.
It appears Fred can’t keep up with his own lies. Apparently the meeting Fred was talking about was the Senate caucus meeting. And if you listen to the audio recording, you will find that Fred plainly claims to have personally been in that meeting. Yet, here in his retraction he is trying to claim it was a “secondhand account” and that he did not have “firsthand knowledge.” Well here again is the transcript of the audio recording:

“[Fred Speaking] So you know, the House Concurrent Resolution number one, that was passed during the special session—it was passed by the House. Two minutes after it was passed, we, the Senate, was in a meeting. We get a knock on our door. One of the Senators went out. It was the House leadership telling us to absolutely do NOT hear that bill. The House leadership, representing the House, told the Senate ABSOLUTELY do not hear House Concurrent Resolution number one."

So which one is it Fred? Did you lie on the phone call, or did you lie to members of the legislature in your retraction? Which lie are you going to stick with? We’ll call this LIE #1 in this letter.

FRED: The PAC that is attacking the Speaker of the House is led by a former political opponent of mine who lost an election against me. This PAC has worked recently to defame and discredit Idaho conservatives, attack Idaho's Republican leaders, and attack Idaho's businesses.
The PAC he is mentioning is our PAC, the Freedom Man PAC. And yes, our Communications Director, Diego Rodriguez, did lose a Senate race against Fred Martin in 2014. But what does that have to do with Scott Bedke and his hypocrisy? Martin is simply trying to shift the attention off of his own lies.

Additionally, which "Idaho Conservatives" have we at the Freedom Man PAC tried to defame? Unless Fred Martin can show what “Idaho conservative” was “defamed and discredited” by the Freedom Man PAC, then we’ll have to call that LIE #2. Sure, we are well known for exposing Governor Brad Little’s unethical and illegal actions and we will continue to expose him and any other Republican who is corrupt. But please show me one “conservative” that we have defamed or discredited? On the contrary, we have a good relationship with Idaho’s conservative legislators and we will continue to do so. We support the Constitution and the founding principles of this country. Any Idaho legislator who likewise supports Freedom, Liberty, and the Constitution will always get support from the Freedom Man PAC.

But RINOs, liars, the corrupt, and pretty much anybody sponsored or controlled by IACI and other government cronies will never be supported by the Freedom Man PAC.

And what singular business have we attacked? Name one. Just one. Unless Fred can demonstrate where we’ve done this, we’ll just call that LIE #3. We have never and would never attack an honest Idaho business. Perhaps Fred Martin is talking about IACI who is the largest and most corrupt lobbying organization in Idaho. They, of course, should not and would not be categorized by anybody as one of “Idaho’s businesses,” but rather as one of Idaho’s “lobbying organizations.” (Who just happens to be the largest, most powerful, most influential, and most corrupt.)

So Fred just keeps stepping in it. Three lies in just one email retraction. We can’t wait to see what he says next...

EXAMPLE TWO - of Fred Martin's lies

You can't make this stuff up, folks. I mean it's a script that even fiction writers couldn't put together. But Fred Martin, in his attempt to "clear his name" and make himself not appear to be the "creepy" Senator who struggles to tell the truth, put out the following paid advertisement on Facebook:
Stacks Image 30
Here, Fred Martin claims that Diego Rodriguez lost multiple ELECTIONS, and had several failed ATTEMPTS to win an election against Fred. So either Fred is going Joe Biden on us and can't remember things properly (which is something that Fred himself admits to in the police report which he doesn't want you to read), or he is again lying and attempting to intentionally deceive his followers.

The truth is that Diego Rodriguez only ran against Fred Martin for the District 15 senate seat ONE TIME in 2014. That was it. But out of kindness, we'll accept the possibility that Fred misspoke here or is just not able to remember things correctly. Because after all, Fred claims to support the Constitution, but his voting record shows quite plainly that he just can't remember what that darn Constitution even says, because he just can't stop voting against it's principles!

EXAMPLE THREE - of Fred Martin's lies (caught on tape)

Consider the following evidence…Fred Martin was caught by custodians in the girls bathroom at Centennial High. This was well documented by the police who investigated the incident and Fred was even caught on the school's security cameras. But he still denies it. Listen to his own denials on the following audio recording by an investigative reporter:
Fred Martin flatly states that he was never anywhere near the girls restroom, yet there are witnesses on record stating that they saw him in the restroom. Who do you believe?

Fred Martin claims that "Dan Popkey from the Idaho Statesman, and reporters from Channels 2, 6, and 7 along with the Spokesman Review, the Idaho Press, and KBOI radio all investigated and they all claim it didn't happen." First of all, how would they conclude that "it didn't happen." That is an impossible conclusion based on the evidence. They could claim that they investigated the witnesses and found their testimony to be untrue. Or that the police officer lied and that his report was false. Those are potential outcomes, but to claim that "they investigated and said it didn't happen" is simply a false claim.

Furthermore, the Freedom Man PAC has reached out to all of these organizations indidivudally and not a single one of them could corroborate Fred Martin's claims. Some of them flat rejected his claim and stated, "no one here (hosts or news anchors) recalls making a claim of “not true”. So not a single news outlet or reference that Fred Martin is claiming investigated the incident and concluded that "it didn't happen" is willing to actually corroborate with Fred's claims.

Transcript of Audio:

Investigative Reporter: So you were not in the girls bathroom ever, at any point?

Absolutely never. Also, supposedly I’m videotaped. There’s no videotape. It was fully investigated by the Idaho Statesman, by channels 2, 6, and 7. By the ummm, KBOI radio, by the Attorney General’s office, by the Idaho State Police, and by uh, Senate leadership. It did not happen.

Investigative Reporter: So I already have that information but I wanted to know directly from you—you absolutely were not at any point in the girls bathroom? Those police reports were inaccurate?

It never happened! That’s not me! Call Dan Popkey at the Idaho Statesman. Call reporters at Channels 2, 6, and 7. Call the Idaho Statesman. Call the Spokesman-Review. Call Idaho Press. Call KBOI radio.

Investigative Reporter: Yeah, okay, so, when you said, “I did not, in my opinion, go in the girls bathroom.” Did you say that, ever?

I, I don’t know, I said I…I didn’t go in the girls bathroom. Yes, I didn’t go in the girls bathroom!

Investigative Reporter:Okay, and did you, because according to the police report, you had a discussion with the police officer, about where the bathroom begins and where it ends, is that true?

Ummm no.

Investigative Reporter: Okay.

I didn’t go in the girls bathroom, it doesn’t matter where it begins and ends. I didn’t go in the girls bathroom. There’s a video showing that I didn’t go anywhere NEAR the girls bathroom.

Investigative Reporter: Never near it? Okay.

EXAMPLE FOUR - we'll save for later

It has come to our attention recently that Fred Martin has deceitfully posted endorsements from a well known elected Republican who never endorsed him! Now ask yourself this question—why would someone do that? Why would Fred post on his website and on his Facebook that a well known elected official endorsed him, when they never did?

You can draw your own conclusions, but I believe it is obvious that establishment Republicans who have a history of deceiving, manipulating, and bearing false witness really think they can get away with anything. I mean, if you can go and hide behind a wall in the girls restroom at a high school after dark, and then try to cover your tracks, while being aided by members of the Idaho State Police, and members of your own church hierarchy—then is that shocking to think that you can get away with whatever you want?

Fred knows what he has done here as he has tried to sneakily remove his false endorsements‚ but don't worry—we have the screenshots! And we will publish them if and when it becomes necessary. (Do a little research and you can figure it out on your own.)